
Display Advertising

Promote your brand to your target group

The way to promote your brand to your target group

Display advertising can be booked on the entire Blue Pixl Media network. It is also possible to target your banners within this network by location, device, and personal characteristics. It is even possible to target the ads to articles that feature a particular topic (contextual ads). That way you can be sure you are reaching the right audience.

Promote your brand today

Platforms and locations

Advertising campaigns are bookable on all individual websites. In addition, we offer three interesting models that focus on more websites at once:

  • Run Of Network (RON): The campaign is targeted on Blue Pixl Media’s entire network.
  • Run Of Business (ROB): The campaign will be targeted to all of Blue Pixl Media’s business websites. ROB is great for spreading your business message to professionals.
  • Run Of Consumer (ROC): The campaign will be targeted to all Blue Pixl Media consumer websites. A ROC campaign excels at appealing broadly to your target audience in a consumer context.
Now also possible: Video ads
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It is now also possible to place video ads. These ads slide in to the text and start playing automatically.

Half page


Homepage takeover






(Leaderboard + IMU)

Sticky ad


Start Display Advertising

At Blue Pixl media, we specialise in reaching the right target group via the right channel for your business.

Are you looking for the ideal partner to streamline your marketing activities and increase your profits? Then contact us for a talk.

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